Pineapple Grenade Review

Pineapple Grenade

“”Pineapple Grenade” was recorded in three weeks back in January 2013.
It’s the follow up to the band’s last studio album “Daydreams”. Featuring
14 songs, “Pineapple Grenade” takes the listener on an emotional roller
coaster. The opening track “She Wants To Destroy Me” takes off with a
hawaiin-style guitar riff, immediately sending the listener to an island
somewhere having a cocktail before bursting into a punk rock chorus. “No
Good” is a dirty, pop-reggae song about a relationship gone wrong and was
produced by Rome Ramirez of Sublime with Rome. The middle of the album
features a song about loss called “When They Told Me”, a folky cut driven
by some country brush snare hits. The closing track “Morning Sunlight”
mixes 50’s era doo-wop with Weezer influenced hooks.”

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